Then you enter the real world. In my case: uni. At uni you'll learn the truth of how you really look. It all comes down to the amount of attention you get from the opposite sex, or even the same sex. I'm not talking about homosexual interest you may gain but you know girls: oh you're soo pretty. I love you hair! God you're eyes are amazing. Let me tell you one thing: the most compliments you get won't be from boys but from girls. Weird as that is, it's true.
And you can tell when they're being honest because it'll bug them to say it. It annoys them that you're pretty. They feel threatened. But it won't be obvious, girls are like that. These girls that compliment you and hate you for having something they don't, they're your closest friends.
I've always been comfortable with my looks, how I am. But I think I may have been a bit deluded as to how good I look. My family is to blame for that. Family is blind to how you look. Either that or you just spend so much time with them you start believing them, and let's face it. You want to believe them.
But then I went to uni. Boys never notice me. Friends rarely compliment me. It's very clear no one envies me. Don't get me wrong I don't want to be envied..who am I kidding?! All girls want to be envied. We all want to be the best and anyone who says otherwise is just kidding themselves.
Now I know I'm average but at home I have to take the compliments and if I disagree my sister will just say I'm fishing and that I KNOW I'm pretty and to shut up in that oh so fond way.
It's annoying how subjective looks are. Things would be so much simpler if things were just clear-cut-clear. But alas, this is the hell we live in.
This is just because I wandered across her pictures and she is just too beautiful that I might just be gay.
This is just because she is too cute.
Yup. Gay??
I know this post has been an especially bitchy one I guess I was just in one of those moods, put it down to PMS? TMI I know..look at me being all teenage-abbreviation-esque!
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