Sunday, January 19, 2014


SO life.

I got an iPhone last week and been enjoying the hell out of it. Been awesome :) totally distracted by it, but hey, would have been distracted even without it so.


"But I don't understand what a crush even is!"

He sighed and leant back against the tree, stared at their lake so she could only see the side of his face with the light stinging her eyes. She refused to look away.

"A crush is..when two friends, who really care about each other, start talking to each other more and more. They could have been merely passing each other by for years but all of a suddenly they can't go a day without talking to each other. They're best friends but everything changes and they develop deep feelings for each other..but they may be scared to admit it."

He was frowning now. She contemplated this staring at the grass.

He continued, "A crush is when you really fancy someone." He was determinedly staring away from her, sitting very still, waiting for her response. She couldn't help the smile that grew on her face, she never could when it was him. She gripped her knees to her chest even tighter, buried her face into her knees and exclaimed: "I guess I have a crush on you then!"

There was a beat of silence. She realised what she'd said and ran. She always did this and to be honest she had already sub-conciously decided to run in the split second she decided she was going to say it.

Monday, January 13, 2014

the loss of titles are so much more interesting than my posts

Sitting in computer rooms, at least I’m on my favourite row, I never get my favourite computer these days. There were two times last week when the urge to blog was especially compelling but I resisted and inspiration is gone. I was gonna write sulkly whiny posts anyway so doesn’t matter.